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301 percent increase - such a jump in sales has never been seen before! On the occasion of Black Friday on November 23, stores on the Shoper platform recorded more than three times the value of transactions than the average sales in October and 92 percent higher than a year ago. Cyber Monday is also becoming a new secular tradition, which also broke last year's record.

301 percent increase - such a jump in sales has never been seen before! On the occasion of Black Friday on November 23, stores on the Shoper platform recorded more than three times the value of transactions than the average sales in October and 92 percent higher than a year ago. Cyber Monday is also becoming a new secular tradition, which also broke last year's record.

In the U.S., the division is clear - on the first Friday after Thanksgiving (Black Friday), millions of shoppers head to the malls for sales, and on the following Monday (Cyber Monday) they throw themselves into online promotions. This was the case this year as well. Although the number of online transactions on Friday, November 23, 2018, surpassed last year's by 23 percent, reaching $6.22 billion. Monday's result was even higher, reaching $7.8 billion.

The transfer of the Friday shopping holiday to Poland has been taking place for only a few years. It is led by retailers who are best at catching new phenomena from the world of marketing, and these are naturally most numerous in the e-commerce industry. Therefore, it is on Black Friday that online stores record the highest sales, while the following Digital Monday is not an alternative to it, but rather an attempt to extend the sales frenzy for another week. This time was no different, as evidenced by data from the Shoper platform.

Sales record broken!

Several thousand stores operating on the Shoper platform closed Black Friday 2018 with 92 percent better results than a year ago. The scale of the phenomenon itself is also growing. The value of November 23 transactions was 301 percent higher than the average result achieved by Shoper stores in October 2018.

Another shopping day i.e. Cyber Monday closed on Shoper with a score 39 percent weaker than Black Friday, but 85 percent better than the platform's average shopping day in October. This means that Digital Monday is also slowly becoming an important date on the shopping calendar, although it is still more of a day for latecomers.

- We saw increases in every industry during Black Friday compared to the regular day. By far the highest on that day was the sale of cosmetics, they accounted for more than 1/4 of the value of all transactions. Clothing and electronics were also in high demand, as well as items from the home and garden and children's industries," says Jacek Zientkiewicz, Brand Manager of Shopper, "Promotions often continued over the weekend, with the biggest jump in sales recorded on Black Friday. During the morning peak, the total amount of products purchased was the highest, while the graph of the number of orders skyrocketed after 9 p.m. We registered the most purchases on Friday evening, which shows that shoppers associate Black Friday with a one-day occasion.

One day for big gains

Behind this year's records are increasingly effective marketing efforts. Some have even tried to extend the sales period into the next few days by holding ''Black Weekends'' in their stores, but such extensions of the shopping frenzy have had limited success. This is shown by data from Blue Media, an online payment operator.

- A comparison of our results from this past weekend with the corresponding days in November shows that it is Black Friday in particular that captures the imagination of consumers. On November 23, the number of transactions was 215 percent of the average for the other Fridays. For the other days, the result was also higher, but no longer so spectacularly so. Saturday and Sunday's increases reached 25 percent of the average number of transactions, says Krystian Wesolowski of Blue Media.

- Many retailers feel tempted to get ahead of the competition and start the promotion earlier than the rest. Others extend it for another week, but this doesn't always make sense. Call to action works most strongly when it includes information about its limited time. The very Friday and Monday in the name suggest to hurry up and decide by the evening. - explains Jacek Zientkiewicz, Brand Manager of Shopera - The sales results of some of our stores show that they earned more in 24 hours than they normally do in a week.

Another such opportunity is coming soon. On December 5, the e-commerce industry "celebrates" Free Delivery Day.
