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E-commerce is one of the fastest growing areas of the Polish economy. Online stores, like shopping malls, are seeing increased traffic in the last few weeks of the year. A survey of online stores running on Shoper software shows that nearly 40% of owners expect better sales results at this time than a year ago.

E-commerce is one of the fastest growing areas of the Polish economy. Online stores, like shopping malls, are seeing increased traffic in the last few weeks of the year. A survey of online stores running on Shoper software shows that nearly 40% of owners expect better sales results at this time than a year ago.

Nearly 40% of online store owners estimate that the upcoming pre-Christmas shopping season will bring them better or significantly better financial results than last year. One in five online store owners estimates a sales increase of 25-49%. According to the respondents, the source of the positive forecasts is primarily the stores' better (more interesting) product offer than in the previous year (nearly 54.2% of the respondents), the growing number of people using the Internet and the increase in the store's brand recognition among customers.

Do you tempt the customer?

Definitely yes - almost 70% of surveyed online store owners have plans to prepare unique offers for buyers. A year ago it was 60% of respondents. One in three (30.7%) e-store owners do not plan any additional activities (a year ago it was 41% of respondents).

What to tempt the customer with?

The most popular tool this year, as in previous years, is to prepare an attractive price offer, a promotion - indicated by 60% of respondents. A year ago it was more than 68%. Also very popular among owners is to offer shoppers new, unique products and also discounts for buying several items and discount coupons. Nearly 27% of respondents also declared participation in the Free Delivery Day, organized for the fourth time.

Social media tops!

A year ago, the most popular solution was to invest in online advertising (52.4%) this year, the most frequently mentioned tool for reaching customers is social media shares - one in two owners (50.2%) plan to undertake them. In second place in terms of popularity is online advertising (over 49%), and in third place is the use of newsletters - almost 40% of respondents say they will use this tool to reach customers. Interest in SEO activities declined to 38%-a year ago it was 48.8%.

Concerns? Competition and lack of customer confidence

In 2011, the biggest obstacle to e-commerce, according to respondents, was the economic downturn (34.8%). In 2012, strong direct competition (nearly 40%). This year, more than 61% of respondents again pointed to strong direct competition but also a lack of trust from customers - almost 37%.

It promises to be another optimistic Christmas shopping season in e-shops. Taking into account the activities planned by the owners and the tools selected for this purpose, consumers should be satisfied. It will certainly be, as every year - an intensive period for online transactions. - adds Krzysztof Krawczyk, CEO of DreamCommerce S.A.

Information about the study

The survey was conducted from 06.11.2013 - 20.11.2013 among online store owners representing various industries. 365 respondents took part in the survey. Responses were collected on the basis of a survey form, which included single-choice and multiple-choice questions.

The aim of the survey was to find out the opinions and moods of e-commerce owners during the period of the most intensive online shopping. The design of the questions and the issues raised also allowed us to obtain information on the tools used in promotional activities as well as the barriers impeding the further development of online commerce. In this way, the main trends in sales and marketing activities for the upcoming holiday season emerged.

The survey was conducted by DreamCommerce S.A., the creator and provider of Shoper software.
