In this article you will find:

Shoper has completed a survey of online store owners for the first time. The survey was conducted in October 2010, based on a survey questionnaire containing closed-ended single- and multiple-choice questions. The survey included 154 respondentsrepresenting online stores from various industries.

Shoper has completed a survey of online store owners for the first time. The survey was conducted in October 2010, based on a survey questionnaire containing closed-ended single- and multiple-choice questions. The survey included 154 respondentsrepresenting online stores from various industries.

The survey, conducted among companies running online stores, aimed to find out the opinions of e-commerce managers on their activity in the pre-Christmas period. It focused on analyzing the mood of those running online stores, their plans to develop their offerings, the use of promotional tools and the barriers hindering the further development of online sales. In this way, it was possible to identify the main trends in sales and marketing activities in the upcoming holiday season.

Below is a downloadable report.
