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What do online stores tempt their customers with before Christmas and what do they estimate their profits to be? The answers to these other questions are presented in the latest installment of our annual e-commerce industry report.Shoper annually surveys the pre-Christmas mood among online store owners and their customers, thus analyzing the condition of the e-commerce industry on an ongoing basis. And this one is still developing, being one of the most dynamic areas of the Polish economy.The potential of e-commerce is huge, which is also evidenced by the latest edition of the "E-commerce under a lucky star" survey, from which it is clear that more and more Poles are buying online, and e-store owners are taking an increasingly professional approach to running their businesses.

What are online stores tempting their customers with before Christmas and what do they estimate their profits to be? We present the answers to these other questions in the latest installment of our annual e-commerce industry report.

Shoper annually surveys the pre-Christmas mood among online store owners and their customers, thus analyzing the condition of the e-commerce industry on an ongoing basis. And it continues to grow, being one of the most dynamic areas of the Polish economy.

The potential of e-commerce is enormous, as is also evidenced by the latest edition of the "E-commerce under a Happy Star" survey, which clearly shows that more and more Poles are buying online, and e-store owners are becoming more professional in their approach to running their businesses.

What are online stores tempting their customers with before Christmas and what do they estimate their profits to be? Which activities bring the best results to the stores and what do their owners fear the most? Answers to these other questions can be found in the report shared below. In addition to the latest data, the material also includes guide texts and analysis of the e-commerce market - including an introduction to the important changes in the Consumer Law that await us at the beginning of 2015.

The survey was based on questions posed to owners of e-shops run on Shoper software - a leading brand in Polish e-commerce, awarded the Ekomers distinction for Best Store Platform three times in a row (since the beginning of the award in 2012). The media patronage of the "E-commerce under a lucky star 2014" report was assumed this year by the portal.
