In this article you will find:

Have you brewed beer and would like to sell it now? Dreamcommerce experts and e-brewers - store owners on the Shoper platform - advise on what you need to keep in mind when planning to set up a liquor e-store and what are the requirements for running such a business.

Have you brewed beer and would like to sell it now? Dreamcommerce experts and e-brewers - store owners on the Shoper platform - advise on what you need to keep in mind when planning to set up a liquor e-store and what are the requirements for running such a business.

Beer is one of the most popular light alcohols in Poland. A statistical Pole drinks it on average 98 liters a year, which puts our nation in fourth place in Europe. Importantly, we are most likely to reach for domestic beverages, brewed in Poland. - This prompts more entrepreneurs to open businesses related to beer production and distribution, including an online sales channel," assesses Tomasz Tybon, director of marketing and sales at Dreamcommerce, provider of the Shoper online ready store software.

Beer e-shops offer a wide selection of products from local breweries, as well as gadgets and collectibles. Their offerings are often aimed at gourmets and enthusiasts of the beverage, looking for new experiences and flavors, open to beer innovations.

- We were prompted to open an online store by our desire to reach a wider audience with our products," recalls Tomasz Brzostowski, owner of the craft brewery Brodacz and the online store - Our products are sometimes hard to find especially in smaller towns, so we decided to sell online so that our beers could reach there as well. Thanks to the start of online sales, the brewery sends products not only to customers in Poland - Brodacz beers have even found their way to the United Kingdom.

For a liquor store, online sales at the beginning of the business may be only a fraction of the total revenue. In general, an effective way to improve the profitability of an e-business is to implement a Google AdWords campaign. However, in Poland, advertising alcohol online is prohibited by law. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to conduct effective promotional and marketing activities. - In our case, cooperation with opinion leaders and youtubers works perfectly," suggests the owner of - Thanks to all kinds of non-standard promotional actions, we record high sales increases. The basis of marketing is also activity in social media, such as Facebook and Instagram.

Necessary requirements

Although an e-beer store is an interesting business idea, it is important to remember that the sale of alcohol over the Internet is an area that is still unregulated by law. - The Law on Upbringing in Sobriety and Counteracting Alcoholism does not provide for the possibility of selling alcohol online at all, Tomasz Tybon reminds us. - At the same time, it does not prohibit the retail sale of such products via means of remote communication. In addition, the Law on Consumer Rights of 2014, says that a customer who has concluded a sales contract off-premises or at a distance cannot withdraw from the contract if alcoholic beverages are the subject of the transaction. - Thus, the legislator, in a way, sanctioned the state of affairs and allowed the possibility of trading alcohol online," comments a representative of Dreamcommerce.

It is certain that a stationary retail establishment with a health inspection reception and a permit to sell alcohol for consumption outside the place of purchase are required by law to trade in alcohol. Such a permit, in turn, requires the consent of the community and the property owner to sell alcohol. It is also worth checking the local development plan to see if it allows this type of activity.

And how to deal with the problem of alcohol availability to minors? At, all orders must be prepaid, which requires at least a bank account or a payment card. - Minors are unlikely to use such solutions," says Tomasz Brzostowski. - Secondly, the prices of our products are quite high, which also deters minors. Above all, however, we ask you to provide your PESEL number and to check the "I am an adult" box when placing an order.
