In this article you will find:

Shoper software is upgraded to version 5.8.0. The following solutions are worth noting:

Shoper software is upgraded to version 5.8.0. The following solutions are worth noting:

1. tax class support - the ability to set different tax rates for a product, based on the country of shipment/invoice. This allows you to easily conduct sales outside Poland and the entire EU. Accounting for such transactions is no longer a problem.

Article help: Tax classes

2. the ability to define the unit price of the product (in the RWD skin). Legislation imposes a legal obligation to display the unit price of a product when selling pre-packaged products. Such price presentation allows the buyer to easily compare products among themselves or offers from different stores.

Article Aid: Unit price

3. the ability to create promotions from the position of the product list through the so-called multiactions. This mechanism significantly speeds up the management of this area in the store. As a result, the promotion of the store's offer can now be more effective and targeted.

Help article: Multiactions

In addition to the above-mentioned novelties, Shoper 5.8.0 includes dozens of improvements and changes useful in the daily running of an online store.

Read the full list of changes in Shoper 5.8.0.

Check out this short video on how to take advantage of the news in your store.
