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According to data from the Shoper platform, purchases on mobile devices account for about one-fifth of all transactions in online stores. The leader of the change is the fashion industry, with one in three orders already being placed on mobile.

According to data from the Shoper platform, purchases on mobile devices account for about one-fifth of all transactions in online stores. The leader of the change is the fashion industry, with one in three orders already being placed on mobile.

Last year, mobile traffic worldwide surpassed that of desktop. According to StatCounter Global Stats, in Poland it amounted to more than 60 percent. Increasingly, the mobile channel is being used for online shopping. Data from the Shoper platform shows that almost one in five transactions in online stores is made on mobile devices - 16 percent is smartphone traffic, and 2.5 percent on tablets.

Fashion sets m-commerce trends

Apparel stores are the clear leader in m-commerce - 32 percent of transactions in these stores are purchases from a smartphone or tablet. Why? - This is one of the leading industries in e-commerce - clothing is one of the more frequently purchased items online. Due to the high level of competition, retailers have to adapt to trends and to customers' needs. We buy clothes more often for a good feeling than out of necessity, so the shopping process itself should be simple, pleasant and convenient, according to Jacek Zientkiewicz, Brand Manager of the Shoper platform.

- To succeed in m-commerce, it is necessary to have a properly configured store for mobile devices. Marketing activities aimed at the right audience are also important," stresses Wojciech Michalak, owner of the store. He admits that currently mobile is responsible for 20-30 percent of all sales in the store.

According to the "E-commerce in Poland 2017" report, shopping from a smartphone is most often done by the youngest group of respondents, those aged 15-24. Almost half of them (47 percent) admit to multichanneling. They start the shopping process on a mobile device, but only finalize it on a computer. Among the reasons why this happens, respondents cited inconvenient form-filling, the site's failure to adapt to shopping on mobile devices or inconvenient payment methods.

How are other industries doing?

A large share of the mobile channel is enjoyed by children's stores (21 percent of mobile sales) and health and beauty (20 percent). At the very mobile end are computer stores (only 6 percent of transactions) and automotive (8 percent of transactions).

- M-commerce will be a significant channel especially in industries where we buy products quickly from our cell phones, without having to check detailed descriptions or look for reviews, such as while riding the bus or standing in line at the post office. This is already evident in clothing or cosmetics stores. In the future, growth will probably be recorded in the food or multimedia industry," notes Jacek Zientkiewicz.
