In this article you will find:

The report presents data from more than 10,000 e-shops using the Shoper platform from January 2017 to June 2019. The analysis covers more than 1.5 million transactions paid for using various payment methods: online, cash on delivery, simple bank transfer and cash on delivery. Transactions using Shoper Payments were additionally analyzed in terms of payment channel choice - Pay-by-link, BLIK and card payments.

The report presents data from more than 10,000 e-shops using the Shoper platform from January 2017 to June 2019. The analysis covers more than 1.5 million transactions paid for using various payment methods: online, cash on delivery, simple bank transfer and cash on delivery. Transactions using Shoper Payments were additionally analyzed in terms of payment channel choice - Pay-by-link, BLIK and card payments.

For more details, please see the REPORT.
