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As many as three-fourths of online store owners on the Shoper platform plan to cut prices just before this year's Black Friday, according to a new survey by the company. Among them is a sizable group of retailers that will not stop at discounts. They are introducing a number of improvements and innovative solutions that will pay off during the November shopping rush and work on the store's bottom line even afterwards.

As many as three-fourths of online store owners on the Shoper platform plan to cut prices just before this year's Black Friday, according to a new survey by the company. Among them is a sizable group of retailers that will not stop at discounts. They are introducing a number of improvements and innovative solutions that will pay off during the November shopping rush and work on the store's bottom line even afterwards.

According to a recent survey of retailers operating on the Shoper platform, this year's Black Friday shopping holiday, which falls on November 26, prompts them not only to prepare big price cuts. For almost half of store owners, the prospect of increased customer traffic has a motivating effect - they want to prepare for it by making improvements and investments. These can pay off both during Black Week and afterwards.

☞ One in three retailers will launch a recommendation system so that an algorithm will suggest to shoppers what related products they might still be interested in purchasing.

☞ One in five will introduce a loyalty program in the fall - so that some of the people who visit their store in the run-up to Christmas will be encouraged to become regular customers.

☞ 10% of retailers want to launch additional payment methods, and 7%. - new delivery methods - so that new customers lured by promotional offers don't back out at the last mile without finding their favorite methods of completing the purchase in the store.

☞ One in ten will start using apps to improve sales.

☞ One in five retailers will optimize the content on their store's website for Google searches to target Black Friday-related phrases, with the majority planning to create a special store subpage for November promotions - a so-called landing page.

- We see that Black Friday for online store owners on the Shoper platform is not only a way to make a windfall profit, but also an opportunity to develop the store and introduce new features to improve online sales. When asked what you plan to introduce in your store for Black Friday 2021, the most indications were additional payment methods, delivery, launching a loyalty program and product recommendations, to which all stores working on our platform have access. It is worth noting that a large group among the respondents are owners of newly opened e-shops, established during the pandemic. They, too, want to bet on product recommendations and customer loyalty, as well as advertising campaigns on Google and Facebook to gain customers and orders-notes Pawel Rybak, Chief Commercial Officer at Shoper.

For the retail sector, the last quarter every year is the busiest period. However, it looks different in the e-commerce industry than in stationary stores - better sales results are achieved not before Christmas itself, but on Black Friday, the last Friday of November, during a sales holiday borrowed from the US.

Year after year, sales during Black Friday are breaking new records, with increased customer interest in online shopping extending throughout the week and even the month. Last year on the Shoper online shopping platform, shoppers spent 53 percent more during Black Friday than they did a year ago, and as much as 93 percent more during the entire month of November than they did a year earlier.

Not surprisingly, according to a recent Shopper retailer survey, 79 percent of retailers are planning special campaigns for the end of November, and as many as 67 percent want to extend them throughout Black Week.

Shopper's full retailer survey report on preparing for Black Friday can be read on this page.
