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The latest version of the Shoper software (5.5.4) introduces a responsive graphic skin for the store - thus, with the previously implemented responsive administration panel, Shoper is the only commercial software for running an online store that makes such intensive use of Responsive Web Design technology.

The latest version of the Shoper software (5.5.4) introduces a responsive graphic skin for the store - thus, with the previously implemented responsive administration panel, Shoper is the only commercial software for running an online store that makes such intensive use of Responsive Web Design technology.

TNS Poland's market research reports that nearly half of Poles own smartphones, and 64% of those surveyed use them to browse the Internet - meaning that more and more consumer behavior is moving toward using the latest technology in everyday processes - including shopping. So why not provide consumers with the convenience of shopping using a tablet or smartphone device?

RWD technology unifies the image of the online store. The flexibility of the solution makes the store's display automatically adapt to the device currently used by the user. When creating a store in RWD technology, we optimized the code, which resulted in speeding up its operation. In addition, we improved usability. We carried out the implementation in response to customer needs. The use of RWD also allowed us to prepare the ground for this year's innovations in the Shoper platform. - says Krzysztof Krawczyk, CEO of DreamCommerce S.A.

The Shoper software was audited for SEO by three industry experts: Krzysztof Marzec, Artur Strzelecki and Paweł Gontarek (AKA EDISONDA performed the usability audit. Currently, Shoper is the world's first and Poland's only commercial online store software made fully with Responsive Web Design technology.

What is the importance of using RWD technology for an e-shop?

1. attractiveness of the store's appearance - regardless of the device on which the store is displayed, the navigation is pleasant and convenient for the user.

2. convenience - there is no need to differentiate content and create separate mobile pages for different devices.

3. modern application of technology - which from the point of view of the most active group in the network is very important.

Store appearance matters - visual appeal is a factor in consumers' purchasing decisions. The new appearance management module allows you to optimize the costs associated with the image of the store. With the introduction of the store front-end in RWD technology, solutions have also been added, thanks to which the e-store owner can independently manage individual graphic elements such as background, size, color and type of font used.

In addition, the latest version of Shoper introduces a number of improvements prepared on the basis of Shoper customers' requests.

Shoper software is a comprehensive tool for running an online store, which is already used by more than 10,000 companies. DreamCommerce SA is the provider of the solution.
