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Online sales are doing better and better every year in Poland. In 2021, more entrepreneurs have chosen an online store as their main professional activity than was the case a year earlier. The number of people working with online stores on a daily basis is also growing.

Online sales are doing better and better every year in Poland. In 2021, more entrepreneurs have chosen an online store as their main professional activity than was the case a year earlier. The number of people working with online stores on a daily basis is also growing.

Every year, online store platform Shoper prepares a report that summarizes the Polish e-commerce market. The 2021 summary shows that for more than 26% of respondents, the online store they run is their main source of income. For 63% - it represents an additional form of income. Compared to 2020, when these results looked respectively: 21% and 66%, so entrepreneurs who chose an online store as their main professional activity have arrived.

The number of people working in online stores on a daily basis is also growing. 48% of owners surveyed by Shoper were running their stores alone in 2021 (53% in 2020). 25% admitted to running them jointly with one person (a family member or partner, 28% in 2020), and 14% said they had up to five employees (up from 12% in 2020). The stores of 13% of respondents had more than five employees (7% in 2020).

Online store the foundation of a modern business

The Shoper report also shows that 32% of owners sell only within their store's website, 28% sell in addition to the website in a stationary store, and 52% sell through other, online sales channels.

Among the latter, sellers ranked Allegro first (47% of responses). Selling through Facebook is also very popular (35% of indications). Less popular are marketplaces such as Mustache, Pakamera or Etsy (11%) and price comparison sites (9%). On Amazon, which officially opened in Poland in 2021, 3% of Shoper store owners participating in the survey sell. This is the same as in the 2020 survey, even before the brand officially entered our market.

"According to our forecasts, with Amazon's entry, there were no radical changes in the Polish market. A year ago we expected that the American platform would gain some popularity and become a good place for e-business owners, but not at a rapid pace and not for everyone," comments Artur Halik, Head of Sales at Shoper.

"It is one's own online store that is still the foundation of a modern business, on which one builds a strong company and brand. Compared to popular sales sites, full of thousands of similar offers, it allows you to stand out with your offer and build a competitive advantage. Of course, in order to sell effectively today and reach customers who are looking for and comparing shopping offers in different places, you also need to use additional outreach channels. The capabilities of today's online stores make it easy to combine a store page with a popular sales site and thus modern multi-channel sales. At Shoper, we have recently established, among other things, a partnership with Shopee, a popular shopping platform operating in Poland, so merchants using our solutions can also offer their products in this new popular channel," comments Artur Halik.

The full Shoper online stores report for 2021 can be found on this page.
