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Shoper, the leader in the Polish market for online stores offered in the SaaS model, has published its best-ever financial results. The company's record-breaking metrics were driven by the rapid development of its product offering and the growing position of small and medium-sized companies on the Polish e-commerce market.

Shoper, the leader in the Polish market for online stores offered in the SaaS model, has published its best-ever financial results. The company's record-breaking metrics were driven by the rapid development of its product offering and the growing position of small and medium-sized companies on the Polish e-commerce market.

Shoper's revenues totaled PLN 80.2 million in 2021, 71% higher than the previous year - the best ever for the e-commerce market. Sales on the Shoper platform (GMV) grew at an equally record pace in 2021, reaching PLN 5.8 billion for own stores (Stores) and PLN 6.4 billion for omnichannel sales (Omnichannel), i.e. in own stores and connected shopping platforms. This represents an increase of 44% and 46%, respectively, compared to 2020. Adjusted EBITDA in 2021 amounted to PLN 31.1 million, up 50% year-on-year. The Company's e-commerce products were among the most popular choices for companies in the SME segment. The portfolio of products provided as part of the Shoper platform includes online store software in the SaaS model, payment and online advertising, and logistics services.

"Shopper's rapid growth in 2021 confirmed our effectiveness in acquiring customers and the high quality of our cooperation with them. In 2022, we will once again increase investments in the development of new products, supporting multi-channel sales, social commerce and financial services, among others. We are focused on accelerating the development of SMEs in the e-commerce market," says Paweł Rybak, Chief Commercial Officer at Shoper.The year 2021 was historic for Shoper for many reasons. The company successfully debuted on the main floor of the Warsaw Stock Exchange, also made successful investments in the Shoplo and ErpBox platforms and almost doubled the number of e-commerce specialists working for the Company.

Despite the easing of pandemic restrictions and freer access to stationary sales than in 2020, consumers remained committed to online shopping and willingly chose it over visiting stationary stores. More online stores also arrived. In November 2021 alone, a thousand new e-shops opened on the Shoper platform, a record monthly result. At the end of 2021, Shoper served 33,000 customers, including nearly 26,000 directly and more than 7,000 in the private label model, providing its services to business partners.

"Despite high market volatility, we look at the current year with optimism and see many new development opportunities. The e-commerce market in Poland will continue to grow by double digits, there will also be increased competition among e-commerce solution providers and buyers will gain even more choice. We want the growth dynamics of customers using our platform to once again be much faster than the market." - adds Krzysztof Krawczyk, Chief Operating Officer at Shoper.
