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As early as September 13 this year, Shoper - a leading provider of e-commerce support services in Poland - will open its doors to prospective and current programmers. This is all thanks to the Open Days, organized on the occasion of International Programmer's Day. The event program will include lectures, panel discussions and networking.

As early as September 13 this year, Shoper - a leading provider of e-commerce support services in Poland - will open its doors to prospective and current programmers. This is all thanks to the Open Days, organized on the occasion of International Programmer's Day. The event program will include lectures, panel discussions and networking.

September 13 - Programmer's Day (Annie Spratt,

Source: Annie Spratt,

The "Open Day at Shoper" event will be held at the Cracow headquarters of the e-commerce leader at 9 Peacock Street in Cracow. The meeting is organized for all people who work in IT teams at junior or regular level, students of subjects around IT, as well as students of IT technicians. The purpose of the meeting is simple - to show how IT teams work in a product company like Shoper.

- The IT team in our company is the most numerous group of people to which we we are constantly looking for new specialists. That's why we decided to organize a meeting on the basis of an open door, during which our experts will talk about what it's like to work for us," comments Natalia Lewandowska, senior recruitment specialist at Shoper and also the organizer of the event, " It's a great opportunity for all those who are taking their first steps in this industry to expand their circle of contacts and gain additional knowledge," she adds.

How to start working in IT? Speakers will tell you about it

The organizers of the event have planned two lectures led by experts from the Shoper team - Adrian Slowik, who is responsible for the Product Development team, and Monika Mlodzik, a PHP specialist. The speakers will talk about what it looks like to work in a product company, as well as introduce the topology of product development in Shoper. Attendees will also be treated to a panel discussion on re-branding and getting started in IT. The panelists will be specialists who work at Shoper on a daily basis in various departments of the IT team.

- While recruiting, I notice that more and more people want to start working in IT. Sometimes they are completely unaware of where to start this adventure. While arranging the program of our event, we came to the conclusion that it is worth touching on this topic and showing the participants what this path may look like," says Natalia Lewandowska, " In our IT team there are many experienced professionals who have changed or started in completely different positions than the ones they currently hold . We want them to tell their story and give their perspective to the participants of our Open Day - he adds.

Event details

Shoper is opening the doors to its office. They will be celebrating developer day.

Date: September 13, 2023. - 17:00-21:30

Venue: Shoper Headquarters, 9 Pawia St., Krakow

Admission: free

For more information, event agenda and link to sign up:

Media contact

Natalia Lewandowska - event organizer, Senior Recruitment Specialist at Shoper

Barbara Kaleńczuk - Corporate Communications Specialist at Shoper.

+48 532 434 730

About Shoper

Shoper is a leader in e-commerce solutions in Poland. The company provides the necessary infrastructure for e-commerce. In addition to software for running an online store, it also offers a range of services to support sales. These include online payments, Digital Ads, logistics services and business financing. Brands such as Gym Glamour, WK Dzik, Irving and Doppelherz, among others, operate on the Shoper platform. Shoper has been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange since July 2021, and has been part of the sWIG80 index since December 2021. Check out more information about the company at:
