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The V4C Poland Plus Fund, managed by Value4Capital, is investing in Dreamcommerce S.A., the largest e-commerce software provider in Poland, strengthening its market leadership position. The owner of the Shoper® brand, thanks to the sale of shares in the company, plans to continue its expansion into previously undeveloped market segments and develop the range of premium services offered to the largest stores.

The V4C Poland Plus Fund, managed by Value4Capital, is investing in Dreamcommerce S.A., the largest e-commerce software provider in Poland, strengthening its market leadership position. The owner of the Shoper® brand, thanks to the sale of shares in the company, plans to continue its expansion into previously undeveloped market segments and develop the range of premium services offered to the largest stores.

As part of the deal, a fund managed by Value4Capital acquired a minority stake in the Krakow-based company. The transaction will not affect Dreamcommerce's current operations and structure. Instead, it will allow the company to maintain the direction it has taken recently.

Shoper appeared on the Polish market in 2005. At first, the company's founders, Krzysztof and Rafal Krawczyk focused on solutions for small online businesses, allowing them to easily and quickly launch online sales. As the company grew, it began to offer an increasingly wide range of services, and for several years has been providing the Shoper® Premium package, which is a comprehensive set of tools for online stores at an advanced stage of development. Currently, the Krakow-based company provides software for several thousand sellers (used by 56 percent of online store owners in Poland) with a very diverse range of businesses.

- We've come a long way, but we still have a huge appetite for growth and another piece of the e-commerce pie. To make this happen we need professional support and capital, so we decided to attract an investor. Thanks to his capital, network of contacts and experience, we will have a chance to grow faster than the competition, and offer even more innovative and higher quality services to our customers," says Krzysztof Krawczyk, CEO of Dreamcommerce.

Value4Capital focuses on investing in mid-sized companies in Central Europe. In recent years, he was co-owner of and co-author of the company's market success.

- We are seeing rapid growth in the Polish e-commerce market, although it is still not as developed as in neighboring countries. Dreamcommerce has a great opportunity to be the engine that will help Poland catch up with the leaders. The company has a lot of experience in this industry, so we will be happy to support its management in accelerating the pace of development, launching new functionalities of the services offered and maintaining its leading position on the market," comments Piotr Misztal, Partner at the management company Value4Capital,responsible for the transaction.
