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Already half of the transactions in stores using Shoper software are finalized using quick online payments, according to the just-released Payments Report 2019. This is a sizable increase compared to a similar survey two years ago, and an excellent prognosticator ahead of the introduction of Google Pay on this platform. The two companies are now beginning to integrate their systems.

Already half of the transactions in stores using Shoper software are finalized using quick online payments, according to the just-released Payments Report 2019. This is a sizable increase compared to a similar survey two years ago, and an excellent prognosticator ahead of the introduction of Google Pay on this platform. The two companies are now beginning to integrate their systems.

Shoper, which provides software for more than 13,000 online stores, is just making a new payment method available in its system. Google Pay is a quick and easy way to pay in millions of places - on websites, in apps and in stationary stores. It provides everything you need when paying, and protects your card data with several layers of security. To use this payment method, all a shopper needs to do is add any payment card (debit or credit) to his Google Account. He can do this through the website or in the Google Pay app available on Android mobile devices.

Despite its simplicity, the entire payment process is secure. Google Pay protects card data with a world-class security system - a virtual token is used to verify payments, ensuring full security of buyers' data.

Movement in line with market trends

The fact that e-commerce owners are striving to make shopping easier for customers by offering an increasing number of payment methods is convinced by the data collected by Shoper in its new Payments Report 2019. Compared to the same survey in 2017, the share of stores with only one way to pay for purchases has clearly decreased (down to 14 percent from 25 percent in 2017). On the other hand, the number of stores with a choice of three or more payment methods increased to 63 percent. One in eight retailers allows you to pay for purchases in five or more ways.

- When shopping online, the customer makes quick decisions. It actually takes him the most time to go through the payment process," notes Jacek Zientkiewicz, Brand Manager of Shoper. - That's why we provide Google Pay, which is one of the fastest payment methods today. Its advantages are especially seen when buying with a smartphone. A buyer who has this service activated on his Google account does not need to have a payment card at hand or enter any numbers and data. It is a very simple, intuitive and, above all, safe solution," assesses Shopera's expert.

- A very important advantage of Google Pay as an online payment method is that purchases can be made instantly, without having to log in or enter payment card details each time. For shoppers, this means great convenience, and for sellers, fewer abandoned shopping carts. That's why we are happy to have partnered with such a popular shopping platform as Shoper. What's noteworthy is that the merchant can enable Google Pay without any coding - that is, as simple as their customers pay with this method - in just a few clicks! - says Lucyna Janas, Strategic Partner Manager for Google Pay in Poland.

Convenient payments win

Analyses of payment data performed by Shopera indicate that the new service has a good chance of winning the affection of Internet users. After all, quick online payments have become the favorite way to pay for purchases. They already account for half of transactions in stores using Shopera software. The increase in their popularity comes primarily at the expense of regular bank transfers, which are already proving too time-consuming for customers to send.

Within online payments themselves, changes can also be seen. Between January and June 2019, the share of transactions paid with BLIK within Shoper Payments increased by several percent. It now accounts for 23 percent of online purchases. The share of Pay-by-link transactions going through the banks' websites decreased by several percent.

Interestingly, the average value of purchases finalized through online payments is quite lower (186 PLN) than those paid by bank transfer (291 PLN) or cash at the point of collection (272 PLN).

- The relatively large sums spent on purchases paid for in cash or by wire transfer come from people who look at online stores quite rarely - when they find a special occasion. When paying, they prefer traditional, well-known methods of payment. The second group are customers for whom online shopping is an everyday occurrence. They spend less at one time, but buy more often. These reach for payment systems that work quickly and reliably. That's what online payments are. The availability of Google Pay in our stores will certainly make us buy online even more willingly," assesses Jacek Zientkiewicz.

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