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Najpopularniejsza w Polsce platforma e-commerce w modelu abonamentowym łączy siły z eMAG Marketplace, liderem e-handlu w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej. Dzięki temu klienci Shoper mogą sprzedawać i promować swoje towary na szybko rozwijających się rynkach Rumuni, Bułgarii i Węgier.</b>

Poland's most popular subscription model e-commerce platform is joining forces with eMAG Marketplace, a leader in e-commerce in Central and Eastern Europe. This allows Shoper customers to sell and promote their goods in the fast-growing markets of Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary.

Omnichannel and international has become increasingly important in recent years. Shoper provides online store owners with a whole range of tools to develop in both directions. Now it is also expanding this choice with the possibility of integrating Shoper e-shops with the eMAG Marketplace and advertising support in this channel.

eMAG is one of the largest and most popular marketplaces in Central and Eastern Europe, giving access to a market worth more than 13 billion zlotys. It already has 29,000 sellers from various countries offering their products on it in almost 2,000 categories, such as electronics, household appliances, consumer electronics, fashion, cosmetics, groceries and many others. Every month, the platform records more than 120 million visits, and is used by more than 9 million active customers.

- The e-commerce market in Central and Eastern Europe has great potential and is growing rapidly. More and more brands are deciding to look there for new profits. At the same time, competition in e-commerce there is still much lower than, for example, in Western European countries. And this means that gaining customers is cheaper and simpler than on many global platforms. eMAG provides online sellers with the same benefits - that is, among other things, recognition, trust, access to a large customer base or the ability to promote within the platform - but with a much better chance of breaking out, says Mateusz Grzywnowicz, Head of Selium at Shoper.

Shoper customers can count on support both in connecting their online store with eMAG, as well as in sales and promotion. Thanks to the Apilo application, designed precisely for managing sales in multiple channels, they will easily integrate their e-store with the platform. And experts from Selium, a division of Shoper specializing in multichannel and foreign trade, will help sellers configure their accounts, add products and run advertising campaigns on the eMAG Marketplace.

Learn more about selling on eMAG Marketplace in this article and at

The Shoper platform provides all the tools needed to launch and develop online sales, including multi-channel and foreign sales. In addition to software for running an online store, it also offers a range of additional services. These include online payments, advertising and logistics services, and business financing. In the past year, Shoper's offerings have included Microsoft Ads or integration with's B2B platform. Shoper has been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange since July 2021, and has been part of the sWIG80 index since December 2021.
