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E-shop owners, in addition to order processing activities, are also required to issue a fiscal receipt. The record-keeping will be facilitated by the Fiskalizator application, available to users of the Shoper platform of ready-made online stores.

E-shop owners, in addition to order processing activities, are also required to issue a fiscal receipt. Recording will be facilitated by the Fiskalizator application, available to users of the Shoper platform of ready-made online stores. Stores conducting consumer sales are required to keep records using cash registers. This means that they should issue receipts using a fiscal cash register. This also applies to stores selling online. In their cases, however, issuing receipts is not as natural as giving a receipt to the customer's hand at the cash register.The entire online shopping process takes place on the store platform. Therefore, it is much more convenient to connect a fiscal printer to the system on which the store runs, rather than entering the order data into the cash register each time and printing a receipt. This is how the Fiskalizator application, available to owners of e-stores operating on the Shoper platform, works. Thanks to the integration with the platform, the printing of receipts is done directly from the e-shop panel - there is no need to use other tools. The Fiskalizator application is compatible with popular models of fiscal printers, including Posnet, Elzab, Novitus.We specialize in products for e-stores and with our comprehensive tools we want to make their work easier, hence the integration of the fiskalizator application with Shoper software. It's clear that such an addition was needed, because dozens of stores using our platform have already installed it," assesses Mariusz Charkot, Product Manager at Dreamcommerce S.A., which offers Shoper software.The company's data shows that printing receipts from the level of the e-store with 100 orders per day reduces the time of their handling by up to an hour. Convenience is also emphasized by stores using the application: - Integrating Fiskalizator with my store is a big time and money saver. Before I started using this application, I was using a fiscal cash register, to which I had to upload the product database and then manually score each transaction. Now the receipt prints after a few clicks in the e-shop panel," notes Pawel Putra, owner of the store.However, not all e-stores are required to have fiscal devices. The conditions for exemptions are defined by the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of November 4, 2014 on exemptions from the obligation to keep records using cash registers. However, stores selling perfume, consumer electronics, photographic and telecommunications equipment or data storage media, among others, are excluded from the exemptions. The exemptions from issuing fiscal receipts described in the regulation apply until December 2016. The Ministry will issue a new version of the document at the end of this year.
