In this article you will find:

As many as 42 percent of Polish households have at least one dog or cat. Together with Romanians and Czechs, we are European record holders in this regard. What's more, in Polish homes, several hundred thousand new pets have arrived in just two years. Online retailers are benefiting from the trend.

As many as 42 percent of Polish households have at least one dog or cat. Together with Romanians and Czechs, we are European record holders in this regard. What's more, in Polish homes, several hundred thousand new pets have arrived in just two years. Online retailers are benefiting from the trend.

It is said that the dog is man's best friend. It can be said that during the pandemic it became even better. Animals have proven to be a cure for the loneliness and isolation associated with lockdown. This was shown in a study last year by British researchers from the University of York and the University of Lincoln - 90 percent of those surveyed said their pet was a source of emotional support for them during this difficult time. In addition, 68 percent of those surveyed admitted that they were worried about their charges if only because of difficult access to veterinary care.

The pandemic has strengthened our bond with our pets, so it's no surprise that we care for them more. So a real boom is being experienced by pet e-shops, especially since the pandemic has forced a surge in e-commerce. Statistics from the Shoper platform show that the total value of transactions in pet product stores and those using the Shoper Payments service in the first six months of 2021 was twice as high as in all of 2019.

There is also interest in making virtual appointments for veterinary consultations - this method of contact is preferred by more than 50 percent of respondents to a survey conducted by the creators of the Polish HiPets platform, which allows pet caregivers to book appointments with specialists.

- Regardless of the lockdown, for the pet industry the online distribution and sales channel is extremely convenient, says Artur Halik, Head of Sales at Shoper, which provides software for online sales. - Customers choose it if only because there is often a lack of a well-equipped store in their area. Thanks to e-commerce, it's easy to compare different products with each other, as well as get delivery right to the door. In the case of heavy bags of food or cat litter, this makes a big difference, he notes.

The number of pets we take care of is growing rapidly every year. According to Euromonitor International, in 2019 there were less than 20 million pets in Poland, a year later - 20.35 million, while by the end of 2021 there is a projected increase of another 400 thousand domestic pets (to nearly 20.743 million). It's no surprise that dogs dominate (currently 7 million 848 thousand), but it's likely that cats will soon lead the way, as their number is growing rapidly - by the end of 2021 there are expected to be 7 million 81 thousand of them, while by the end of 2020 there were 6 million 835 thousand. Pet store owners are responding to this demand by ensuring that they stock high-quality products that take into account multiple needs, such as food allergies.

- The range of online stores is not only getting richer, but also more specialized. Among the stores we work with, for example, there are those that offer products just for cats, such as Pociechowo, or those focused on a specific type of product, such as Legovisko with dog beds or E-hunter with accessories. An interesting idea is also implemented by Paka dla Zwierzaka, where in a subscription model one can order a box with food, toys and accessories, which will go to our pet once a month. And this, of course, does not exhaust the ideas of what can be sold online today," says Artur Halik of Shopera.
