In this article you will find:

The new Shoper is mainly three important changes: the ability to sell products in different currencies, the creation of price levels and the introduction of the ability to define delivery zones.The first of the novelties: Selling products in different currencies makes it possible to show the price of a product in a different currency than the one set for the store. The convenience of the solution is that when the currency exchange rate changes - the price of the offered product also changes.

The new Shoper is primarily three major changes: the ability to sell products in different currencies, the creation of price levels and the introduction of the ability to define delivery zones.

The first of the new features: Selling products in different currencies makes it possible to show the price of a product in a different currency than the one set for the store. The convenience of the solution is that when the currency exchange rate changes - the price of the offered product also changes.

The second major new feature in Shoper is the ability to define delivery zones. Until now, countries were assigned to specific deliveries, but now it is possible to combine individual locations into delivery zones. This will make it possible to define separate costs for individual zone components. For example, a Courier delivery assigned to the European Union zone will be able to have separate costs defined for Greece, separate for Germany, and so on. This change will greatly simplify logistics management in the store.

The third feature desired by users is the ability to define price levels for user groups. From now on it will be possible to present a total of 3 price levels in the store.

See a video demonstrating the new features: video. And check out the full list of changes in Shoper 5.7.1.
