In this article you will find:

E-commerce is a constant technological race - in 2017 it was towards mobile, with nearly half of Polish smartphone users making purchases. It's also speeding up the process of returns and customer contact. In 2018, the direction of change will be set by the global giants of e-commerce and online advertising.

E-commerce is a constant technological race - in 2017 it was towards mobile, with nearly half of Polish smartphone users making purchases. It's also speeding up the process of returns and customer contact. In 2018, the direction of change will be set by the global giants of e-commerce and online advertising.

Changes in the e-commerce landscape are extremely dynamic, forcing entrepreneurs to stay current on technological innovations and sales channels that will help them strengthen their business. Where did the changes take place in 2017, and where to look for them in 2018?

Store and service optimization

Gone are the days when customers were attracted only by low price and nice design. Entrepreneurs know this, betting in the past year on optimizing e-stores and improving customer service. The quality of contact is crucial, especially in potentially crisis situations - when the goods do not meet expectations, the shipment did not arrive on time. Then an efficient solution to the problem will help gain a reputation as a customer-friendly place.

The e-commerce market has already saturated to such an extent that the customer can run through the brands' offers. Therefore, in order to stand out, you need to take care of the image of your store," says Jacek Zientkiewicz, Brand Manager of the Shoper Platform. - And it's not just about the nice presentation of the site, but the whole shopping experience. Whoever tells a coherent story of his store and takes care of the customer in every situation - will be successful.

Customer convenience - delivery and payment

Convenient and fast delivery often proves crucial when making a purchasing decision. Many stores found this out in the week before Christmas, when customers ordered products at the last minute. Top brands are still trying to respond to customers' needs by extending delivery times to late hours or offering point-of-sale pickup within an hour of ordering. Tailored payment also appeals to convenience. It is the final stage of the shopping process that can make the difference between a transaction and a purchase. According to data from the Shoper Platform, 38 percent of customers consider the payment method important when choosing an e-shop.


The role of smartphones in the development of e-commerce continues to grow. 47 percent of respondents to the survey "E-Commerce in Poland. Gemius for e-Commerce Poland" use a cell phone for shopping. The development of mobile technologies and the creation of RWD websites can only increase the share of purchases via phone. This may be helped by Google's "Mobile First Indexing" rule, which means better indexing of mobile pages. According to data from the Shoper platform, the biggest changes in commerce are taking place in the textile industry. Here, one in three orders is already placed by mobile.

VR and AR in-store testing

Virtual reality, associated with goggles worn on the head, is slowly changing e-commerce. In Australia, Ebay, in partnership with retailer Myer, has launched a store that can be visited using VR devices. Equally interesting is AR, or augmented reality, which is similarly changing the shopping experience. In this case, the customer does not immerse himself in a digital world, but views 3D models of selected products in his home. By selecting a model of a coffee maker, for example, on a smartphone or tablet, he can see it on his kitchen countertop through the screen.


AliExpres or Amazon?

Foreign giants that may change the image of the Polish market are certainly AliExpres and Amazon. The growing number of Chinese goods on the market and their price, which is very difficult to compete with, will force entrepreneurs to change their business models and image creation. In the case of the American service, every now and then there are rumors about its imminent entry into the Polish market.

What can small stores learn from the larger ones? That flexibility is important in business. The actions of e-commerce giants show that they do not want to turn their backs on stationary retail at all. What's more, they are buying or investing in such chains themselves," explains Jacek Zientkiewicz, Brand Manager of the Shoper Platform. - However, small companies can be more credible when they show the people behind the store, such as when the story behind the store's creation is the result of the owner's passion.

Google graphics

Google has recently noticed that many product searches start through the "graphics" tab. To meet the needs of users, it plans to pay more attention to good quality and diverse photographs. Currently, product searches end up with a flood of photos that stores have sourced from the manufacturer. So all signs indicate that the era of visual copy-paste may be coming to an end.

Shopping Chatbot

A very interesting trend is the introduction of chatbots to help with shopping. Full automation in answering questions about products gives the impression of quick interaction. The company's image can only benefit from this. The next few years will show whether customers will be satisfied with such a form of dialogue with brands, and where the limit of bot communication is. Maybe soon there will be no need for customer service departments?

For shopping with bitcoin

Bitcoin is currently generating a lot of excitement. Its rate, which has been rising for several months, is just now starting to wobble. However, this does not change the popularity of the cryptocurrency, which can also be used in e-commerce. Implementing such a payment method in a store requires special applications. On the Shoper platform, more than 100 stores have already taken advantage of this innovative solution. Next year will show whether Poles will love Bitcoin.

What will Google and Facebook change?

E-commerce budgets now depend on two factors - Google and Facebook. They are now the two largest media companies in the world, and between them the fate of e-commerce marketing efforts is decided. As the changes that the two companies continue to implement, we will learn how much to invest, where there are more customers and how to reach them.
