In this article you will find:
The software for running an online store Shoper has been upgraded to version 5.4.15, which includes new solutions prepared based on customer suggestions and with their close cooperation.
The software for running an online store Shoper has been upgraded to version 5.4.15, which includes new solutions prepared based on customer suggestions and with their close cooperation.
The essential novelties are:
1. variant support.
The latest version of the software Shoper introduces a refreshed mechanism for handling variants. The changes in this area were dictated by the expectations of software users, who made a suggestion on the suggestions forum Shoper. The tool was prepared in close cooperation with them. Thanks to the involvement of customers, we prepared a tool tailored to their needs. The new mechanism gives more possibilities - it allows to create variants of the following types: file (a graphic file can be attached - e.g. if a buyer wants to purchase a T-shirt he can send a graphic to be placed on it), text (if a buyer would like to include a selected text he can add it), color palette (a seller can enter his own color palette), radio (allows to select one of the options - e.g. when selling T-shirts a buyer can choose, the length of the sleeve from the available options), select (a list of choices e.g. T-shirt sizes etc.), checkbox. From now on, you can quickly and efficiently generate multiple options, which is especially important for stores with an extensive assortment, especially in industries such as clothing, furniture, home furnishings, etc.
2. webhooks - a solution for developers.
Shoper as the first online store platform in Poland, introduces an extremely useful tool for developers - webhooks, i.e. requests sent to the address set by the administrator after performing properly defined actions. The solution is very useful in the daily work of an online store - as it increases the ease of integration with external systems, allows more automation of processes happening in the store. It gives a lot of freedom and independence to store owners in terms of selecting partners and companies for cooperation and handling processes and events occurring in the e-store, which allows to reduce the costs of running the store. Webhooks transmit information about events automatically (e.g. about a new order) to an established place - e.g. to the invoicing system. Thus, part of the processes related to the operation of the store is likely to take place much faster and without additional involvement of the person operating the store.
3. newsletter mailing.
The Shoper software allows you to send emails to people who have visited an online store - signed up for a newsletter and/or purchased goods. With the latest version of the software, improvements have been made in the area of mailing activities. A new feature is the ability to tailor the content of the sent message (commercial offer) to a specific group of customers. Thanks to this solution we have a guarantee that the messages we send go to those most interested in a given topic. Thus, we increase the effectiveness of our communication. For example - as a supplier of accessories for various models of cars - thanks to the inclusion of appropriate checkboxes in the registration form of a new customer in the store, I can obtain additional information about him - such as the model of the car used. In this way, I can send a newsletter only to a group of customers who own an Audi brand car.
4 Integration with Gemius Shop Monitor system.
Thanks to the integration of the Shoper software with the gemiusShopMonitor system, every e-shop owner has the opportunity to monitor the results achieved by his store and compare them with the competitive environment. The service is free of charge.Users get access to an administrative panel, which in an attractive and transparent way allows to analyze the traffic in the store, as well as to compare it with the overall results for the entire industry, while taking into account its specifics. This is the only such an accurate analytical tool, tailored to the needs of e-shops.
To activate Gemius Shop Monitor on your store, you must first register your store at: to obtain a user number. Then enter the acquired ID in Configuration > Integrations > Partners > Activate gemiusShopMonitor. This way the code is automatically added to the e-store pages.
Shoper 5.4.15.
It is also more than 20 other changes and improvements. For example: a new way of calculating delivery costs has been added (charge depending on the number of products in the shopping cart), the ability to define a minimum weight, automatic emails have been improved, and the ability to set an additional surcharge for free delivery has been added. Full list of changes is available in Changelog.
Develop software with us - join the forum Shoper, submit your suggestions or vote for user suggested solutions: suggestion forum Shoper.