In this article you will find:

An online store can be set up with just one click. It allows you to reach a much larger audience than a stationary store, is much cheaper to maintain than it, and you don't have to leave home at all to run it. We suggest how to start it easily.

An online store can be set up with just one click. It allows you to reach a much larger audience than a stationary store, is much cheaper to maintain than it, and you don't have to leave home at all to run it. We suggest how to start it easily.

1. first an idea

Have you started sewing clothes or toys for your baby and it's working out great for you? This could be the beginning of a new e-business adventure. Often moms set up an online store to sell their own handicrafts or products they design. The assortment doesn't have to be big, the most important thing is that it should be original and of good quality.

2 Software for the store

You can create a store from scratch or buy a ready-made solution. If you're just starting out and want to see if e-commerce is really something for you, the best option would be to choose software provided on a subscription basis. Such a model is called SaaS (Software as a Service), and Shoper, the most popular e-commerce platform in Poland, among others, is offered this way. To set up a store using this type of tool, all you need is a computer (or even just a tablet) with Internet access. You don't need to be familiar with technical matters or have an IT infrastructure - the provider of ready-made software for e-store will take care of all the technology, and will also offer you system updates and free assistance (but you should definitely check this beforehand - some companies make you pay for assistance in running the store). Just remember to take care of buying a proper domain, i.e. the web address under which your store will operate, right at the start. A good domain is, after all, the business card of your e-business. It should be short and catchy so that everyone can easily find and remember it. You can buy a domain for as little as a symbolic zloty.

3. appearance

The term "ready-made online store" did not come from nowhere - stores such as Shoper were created to make it as easy as possible to launch your own business online. Therefore, in addition to the store engine and handling of technical issues, they also offer appropriate graphic templates designed for each industry. However, when choosing the prettiest store design, make sure that the template is created with responsive technology (you'll recognize it by the acronym RWD). Thanks to it, regardless of whether your customers visit the store from a phone, tablet or computer, they will always be able to comfortably browse the offer and easily make a purchase. On the other hand, while you're already running your business, remember to pay attention to the aesthetics of your products and the high quality of your photos, because customers "buy with their eyes" and these elements must persuade them to buy.


strong>4. Sell, ship, earn

You yourself certainly do a lot of online shopping, and you probably expect the store to provide you with convenient payment methods. Quick transfer, card payment, maybe PayPal.... Your customers will be counting on the same. That's why you need to make sure you enable them to pay for their purchases in a modern, convenient and, above all, fast way based on electronic payments that will also benefit you. Payment intermediaries charge a small commission on transactions, and provide decent liquidity. Another important point is to set up several delivery methods for your products - the more options a customer has to choose from, the more confident he will finalize the order. In addition to standard methods such as mail and courier, you can also consider cheaper solutions - Parcel Post or parcel delivery to Ruch kiosks.

5. law

Internet sales are regulated by law. When buying online, the customer has a statutory right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days, and must also confirm that he is ordering a product with an obligation to pay. The store should have rules and regulations, as this is the legal basis for entering into a remote contract with a customer. Such a document should be tailored to the specifics of the e-store and regulate all key issues related to its operation - ask about this at the first contacts with the customer service office of your software provider.

6. promotion

Once the store is established, it is necessary to promote it. You can set up a fan page for the store yourself on Instagram or Facebook, but in order to already get a good position in Google search, use the help of specialists - starting with online sales, check which software provider offers the service "Shop with orders" - As part of it, in the price of the store you should get Google AdWords campaign support, which will provide you with your first customers right from the start.

- Using off-the-shelf software, setting up your own online store can close as low as PLN 1,000. This is an unaffordable cost for a first business, which can be scaled by introducing new products and expanding shipping across borders, while doing what you like best," assesses Tomasz Tybon, director of marketing and sales at Dreamcommerce, provider of Shoper ready-to-use online store software. - The argument for young mothers is also flexible working hours, which can be combined with child care.
