In this article you will find:

An online store can be set up with just one click. It allows you to reach a much larger audience than a stationary store, is much cheaper to maintain than it, and you don't have to leave home at all to run it. We suggest how to start it easily.

An online store can be set up with just one click. It allows you to reach a much larger audience than a stationary store, is much cheaper to maintain than it, and you don't have to leave home at all to run it. We suggest how to start it easily.

1. what do you want to sell?

Start with what you want to sell - these can be items you produce yourself, such as sewing clothes, making jewelry or toys, or ones you bring in from a manufacturer or wholesaler. In this case, bet on products that you think are missing from the Polish market: they could be kitchen accessories, ornaments or gadgets.

2. convenient store system

To open an e-shop, you don't need to build an entire website from scratch. A simpler and cheaper solution is to use off-the-shelf software, provided on a subscription basis. Such a model is called SaaS (Software as a Service). This way you set up a store with just one click, all you need is a computer and access to the Internet. According to Shoper, the most popular online store platform in Poland, setting up a store can close to PLN 1,000.

3. memorable name

The store must have a catchy name. And it doesn't at all have to be closely related to the assortment you sell; abstract names are easier to remember. It is important to buy a domain (i.e. an Internet address) identical to the name of the store, which will make it easier for customers to find your site. You can buy a domain for a zloty together with ready-made store software.

4. appearance sells

We are more willing to buy aesthetically pleasing items and stay in nice spaces. Keep this in mind when creating your store - go for good quality photos, a clear page layout and an interesting design. Store software providers provide a range of ready-made templates that you can customize to suit your own vision. Be sure to make the template responsive (RWD), so that the customer will comfortably make a purchase regardless of whether they are using a computer, smartphone or tablet.

5 Sell, ship, earn.

You've already designed your store, now think about the tools that will make it easier for customers to buy. First of all, these are convenient and secure payment methods: traditional and instant transfers, card payment, PayPal, cash on delivery. Customers are eager to choose electronic payments, they are easily integrated into the store system. Intermediaries in this type of payment charge a small commission on each transaction. Also important are delivery methods that are convenient for orderers, such as mail, courier, parcel machines, parcel to Ruch kiosk. Delivery companies' systems, like payment tools, are plugged into the store software. Remember, too, about the store's terms and conditions - they should specify the terms of purchase, taking into account, among other things, the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days. Just don't copy another store's terms and conditions or a ready-made one from the Internet. Better ask your software provider for legal assistance.

6. find the customer!

Don't wait for the customer to come to you on their own, find them first! Promoting your store is the best way to increase the number of purchases. So share information about your products with friends and on social media. Also familiarize yourself with terms such as SEO and Google AdWords. You don't need to know about marketing and algorithms of online campaigns yourself, you can outsource their management to a software provider. Look for services like "order store" that will get you to your first customers at a store price.

- An online store allows you to have flexible working hours that can be reconciled with family life. At the same time, it allows you to develop your own passion, for example, when you sell handmade products. Before setting it up, however, it is worthwhile to prepare and find a ready-made store system at the beginning, whose provider provides comprehensive services, i.e. domain, rules and regulations, security certificates, technical, legal and marketing support. This will save you time, money and nerves, so important when taking the first steps in your own business," assesses Tomasz Tybon, director of marketing and sales at Dreamcommerce, provider of Shoper ready-to-use online store software.
